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Järv Inga

Фамилия: Järv
Имя: Inga
Страна: Эстония
I am active in agility since 2003 and I have been an agility trainer for 15 years. My first training and competition partners were English cocker spaniels. Presently I do agility with a bordercollie and kooikerhondje. In the last few years I am not competing as actively as before, I am more focused on my agility students and judging. I recently started canine massage studies in order to educate myself further on sport dogs' injuries and their prevention.
Просмотров: 1633


Россия, Санкт-Петербург, Цветочная ул., 16
Джампинг-0, Джампинг-0, Джампинг-3, Аджилити-3, Аджилити-2, Аджилити-2, Аджилити-1, Аджилити-1

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