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Main arrow Competitions arrow Кубок Вместе

Кубок Вместе

Кубок Вместе
Date: 29-12-2024
Time start competition: 10:00
Location: Russia, Максима Парк
Rule: IFCS
JudgeKostyleva Natal'ya
TracksAgility, Jumping
* - Target contribution is to hold the event, passage of judges and prizes
Maximum number of participants:
300 (18)
Chief secretary:
Чухина Е.С.
Информация по оплате:
Клуб аджилити Вместе
Register On-line up to:
from 02-10-2024 to 23-12-2024
You can send a request to participate directly from the site.
This requires register online or login with your name.
Hits: 281
